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Green Sanctuary Committee

Our focus on the cultural – and spiritual – relationships between people and trees reflects one of the key Unitarian Universalist principles: “Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.” The national Unitarian Universalist Association has encouraged local fellowship groups to develop Green Sanctuary Programs focused on environmental study, reflection, and action. Our St. John UUF project was organized under that broader program. Our Green Sanctuary Committee has sponsored and published several articles and books about the impacts of hurricanes on trees, wildlife on St. John, and Learning About Trees and Plants. We also aim to educate the community on environmental protection by promoting solar, green energy, and water conservation.


Gail Karlsson is an environmental lawyer and avid nature enthusiast.  She is one of our members and has written interesting nature articles, mostly about St John, since 2014. Here is the link to her blog page with these articles:


Resources for Environmental Conservation Published By the UUF of St. John

Summary of UUF Post-Hurricane Tree and Forest Assessment April 8, 2019

UUF St. John Post-Hurricane Tree and Forest Assessment April 8, 2019

Tree Project Book - A project of the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of St. John, Green Sanctuary Committee

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