Visiting Speaker Program
Our visiting speaker program, which began in 1991, allows for ministers and speakers to spend 2-4 weeks with us.
We offer our modest and comfortable studio apartment in exchange for ministerial services (preparing and delivering the service on Sundays, a mid-week discussion or other events, possible consulting with congregants). The guest speaker can share any areas of expertise or interests they have and still have plenty of time to explore and enjoy our beautiful island.
This offers the congregation the opportunity to create new connections and hear a broad range of ideas and topics. Many of our visiting speakers fall in love with beautiful Caribbean waters and island, form bonds with our members and return on a yearly basis to serve our congregation Some have been returning annually for 10-15 years.
If you’d like to inquire about our visiting speaker program, please email Erin Leib at erin.lieb@gmail.com, and she will get back to you with more information.

Past Speakers and Topics
Visiting Speakers
Merry Stockwell
A Year of Living With Reckless Abandon | Circles
Allen Wells
When Things Don’t Fit | Becoming Vulnerable
Laurie Herrick
Unitarians Being Possibilitarians
Dan Zucker
Who Are We, and Where Are We Going?
Gabriella Brand
What Lies Do You Live With
Local Speakers
Gail Karlsson
Holding the Hope for One Another
Ken Wild
Taino and St. John
Laurel Brannick and Gail Karlsson
St John Bird Count
Haile Israel
Rastafari Teachings, Traditions, and Music
Linda Sorensen
Preparing Ourselves for the Unexpected